Happy Chinese New Year to all!
This year is the year of RAT (or hamster to for some people). I'm waiting for my year to come. I was born in 1987, so try figure out what animal year it is. That's a little assigment for you! hehe..
On CNY day, my family and I went out for lunch at Hilton Kuching, which is a tradition before I go back to college. Plus, that day was the only day that all of us got to seat together before my dad left for his expedition to Bario ( I swear he is a Malay version of Indiana Jones..LoL!)
Lucky for us, the restaurant was having International Buffet for this month. That means there were variety of food from Italian to Japanese cuisine! Nyum nyum....
So lets start with the FIRST round..... *ding ding!*
nasi tomato with other food that I coudnt pronounce...hehe...
Second round....*ding ding!*
actually it was not for me but for the little kiddies...
MY second round *ding ding!*
Second and a half round...*ding ding!*
phew....now..for the third round..*ding di...argh just forget the bells*
what's a brulee you say? it is a desert..in this case.. chocolate topped with burned sugar
*drool...and drool some more*
Forth round...man, i'm getting tired...
my disastrous creation...
my niece enjoying her ice-cream ( right before she vomited her lunch... I pity the waiters had to clean it up..hoho)
Hope you guys enjoy the pictures and PLEASE wipe your saliva off the keyboard already!
p.s: waiting for my red packet ang pau :P
ya bagus..teruskan menangkap gamba2 makanan enak! AKU SUKA! xD Perut ku juga suka! xD
i did it for the lulz.
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