Today I am proud to say that I made my own dinner; Grilled Cheese Sandwich. Considering how incompetence I am in the cooking area, I felt excited at my own creation. LoL! I made it using the most popular method among the college students in the USA which is fool proof! If I can do it…so can YOU!
First, the ingredients…

Aluminum fold, 2 pieces of bread, butter and of the most important ingredient of all
the CHEESE...nyum!

Spread the butter on the breads and place the cheese like so…..

Then wrap the sandwich with the aluminum fold.
Then here comes the tricky bit. Place the wrapped sandwich under a hot iron. Yes, you read it right. Its your normal everyday iron. Set it on the hottest setting then place it on top of the sandwich. Please dont ask me if you can use steam iron.
*roll eyes* Hehe....

Let it slowly 'cooks' your sandwich for about 5 minutes for each side.
Be careful when touching the hot aluminum.
Now we wait.....

Now, it's time to unveil our grilled cheese sandwich..

Walaaa! Behold...the magnificent sandwich! *evil laugh*

Now, just sit back...and enjoy your Grilled Cheese Sandwich. I had mine with a delicious St.Martin's Peach Tea Drink *peachy goodness*
Hope you enjoyed my so-called cooking tutorial.
Till next time =)
Yummy Ironed Cheeze Sandwich indeed :)
Question...for da iron we use for 'silk' or 'cotton'..coz 'aluminium' is not stated there..*scratchin head*
dear cell,
its cotton obviously...hehehhe...
bila mok polah k aku tok :p
wahh boleh buat camtu ke?? wah wah..baik2 nanti aku mahu try xD
Excellent! *drolls*
Great jon Miss Ava :)
amazinG! Never thot that grilled cheese sandwich could be made this way! I'm SO getting you the chicken slices next week so that you can try it out!!! Then your next creation could be grilled chicken n cheese sandwich, or who knows what you can come out with next!! Thinking of it makes my tummy growl... hehehe!
Great photography and photo background! Well shot indeed!
ava remember me? gk kwn mea XD
sodap tuh.. tak pernah terfikir guna iron..
hye gk...
of course i remember you.hehe...
thanks for checking out my bloggy.
do try the recipe =)
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